Cream of the Crop 22
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*********************** MATHEMATICAL SOLUTIONS *****************************
ASM32's SOLVE subroutines are handy for many number crunching problems.
Most SOLVE subroutines require a math coprocessor. In subroutines
requiring a math coprocessor, the coprocessor must have been initialized
with FINIT or FNINIT before calling the subroutine. See MathChip in
SYSTEM.DOC. Note that the 80x87 math coprocessors do not understand
unsigned integers.
C2F: convert degrees Celcius to degrees Fahrenheit
Source: f2c.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ST(0) = degrees Celcius
Returns: ST(0) = degrees Fahrenheit
Uses: ST(0), 80x87 flags
include model.inc
extrn c2f:near
include dataseg.inc
c0 dw 100 ; 100 degrees Celcius
f0 dw ? ; going to store degrees Fahrenheit here
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
fild c0 ; load degrees Celcius into ST(0)
call c2f ; returns degrees Fahrenheit in ST(0)
fistp f0 ; save degrees Fahrenheit and pop the 8087's stack
CUBEFITF4: fit a cubic equation to a set of float4 data
CUBEFITF8: fit a cubic equation to a set of float8 data
CUBEFITI2: fit a cubic equation to a set of integer2 data
CUBEFITI4: fit a cubic equation to a set of integer4 data
Source: cubefit.asm
80x87 required
CubeFit subroutines use the Least Squares method to calculate
the a, b, c and d coefficients of the equation
y = a + bx + c(x^2) + d(x^3)
which best fits the given data points. See also QuadFit and
The data series at DS:[EBX] consists of n sets of x and y
Call with: EBX pointing to data series
ECX = number of (x,y) points
Returns: ST(0) = a
ST(1) = b
ST(2) = c
ST(3) = d
Uses: entire 80x87 stack
extrn cubefiti2:near
include dataseg.inc
points dw 1,6 ; first (x,y) coordinate pair: x0 = 1, y0 = 6
dw 2,17 ; x1 = 2, y1 = 17
dw 5,86 ; x2 = 5, y2 = 86
dw 4,57 ; x3 = 4, y3 = 57
dw 3,34 ; x4 = 3, y4 = 34
n equ ($-points) shr 2 ; number of coordinate pairs (5 in this case)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea ebx,points ; point to data series
mov ecx,n ; 5 data points
call cubefiti2 ; returns ST(0) = a
; ST(1) = b
; ST(2) = c
; ST(3) = d
DEG2RAD: convert degrees of arc to radians
Source: deg2rad.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ST(0) = degrees of arc
Returns: ST(0) = radians
Uses: 80x87 stack - ST(6) and ST(7) are lost
extrn deg2rad:near
include dataseg.inc
deg dw 180 ; dumb example - everyone knows this is pi radians
@curseg ends
include codeseg .inc
fild deg ; load degrees into ST(0)
call deg2rad ; it comes back with ST(0) = radians
F2C: convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celcius
Source: f2c.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ST(0) = degrees Fahrenheit
Returns: ST(0) = degrees Celcius
Uses: ST(0), 80x87 flags
extrn f2c:near
include dataseg.inc
f0 dw 212 ; 212 degrees Farenheit
c0 dw ? ; going to store degrees Celcius here
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
fild f0 ; load degrees Fahrenheit into ST(0)
call f2c ; returns degrees Celcius in ST(0)
fistp c0 ; save degrees Celcius and pop the 8087's stack
FACTORIAL: calculates the factorial of an integer
Source: factori.asm
80x87 required
Call with: EAX = signed integer value
Returns: ST(0) = factorial of the integer value
Note: factorials get very large with relatively small integers
Uses: ST(0); coprocessor stack is pushed, ST(7) is lost
extrn factorial:near
include codeseg.inc
mov eax,6 ; gonna calculate the factorial of 6
call factorial
FPRIMEI2: calculate the derivative of a polynomial function
Source: fprimei2.asm
80x87 NOT required
Call with: ESI pointing to equation coefficients; all coefficients
must be 2-byte signed integers
ECX = order of polynomial (i. e., a quadratic function
is a second-order polynomial, so ECX = 2)
ECX limited to 0 < ECX < 32768
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
extrn fprimei2:near
include dataseg.inc
fx dw 2,0,3,2,0,5 ; the function y = 2+3*(x^2)+2*(x^3)+5*(x^5)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
mov ecx,5 ; fifth order polynomial
lea esi,fx ; point to f(x) coefficients (2-byte integers)
call fprimei2 ; calculate derivative of the function
; results:
; fx=0, fx+2=6, fx+4=6, fx+6=0, fx+8=25, fx+10=0
FPRIMEI4: calculate the derivative of a polynomial function
Source: fprimei4.asm
80x87 NOT required
Call with: ESI pointing to equation coefficients; all coefficients
must be 4-byte signed integers
ECX = order of polynomial (i. e., a quadratic function
is a second-order polynomial, so ECX = 2)
ECX limited to 0 < ECX < 32768
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
extrn fprimei4:near
include dataseg.inc
fx dd 2,0,3,2,0,5 ; the function y = 2+3*(x^2)+2*(x^3)+5*(x^5)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
mov ecx,5 ; fifth order polynomial
lea esi,fx ; point to f(x) coefficients (2-byte integers)
call fprimei4 ; calculate derivative of the function
; results:
; fx=0, fx+2=6, fx+4=6, fx+6=0, fx+8=25, fx+10=0
FPRIMEF4: calculate the derivative of a polynomial function
Source: fprimef4.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ESI pointing to equation coefficients; all coefficients
must be float4 values
ECX = order of polynomial (i. e., a quadratic function
is a second-order polynomial, so ECX = 2)
0 < ECX < 32768
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
extrn fprimef4:near
include dataseg.inc
fx dd 2.2,0.0,3.5,2.0,0.0,5.1
; the function y = 2.2+3.5*(x^2)+2*(x^3)+5.1*(x^5)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
mov ecx,5 ; fifth order polynomial
lea esi,fx ; point to f(x) coefficients (float4 values)
call fprimef4 ; calculate derivative of the function
FPRIMEF8: calculate the derivative of a polynomial function
Source: fprimef8.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ESI pointing to equation coefficients; all coefficients
must be float8 values
ECX = order of polynomial (i. e., a quadratic function
is a second-order polynomial, so ECX = 2)
0 < ECX < 32768
Returns: nothing
Uses: nothing
extrn fprimef8:near
include dataseg.inc
fx dq 2.2,0.0,3.5,2.0,0.0,5.1
; the function y = 2.2+3.5*(x^2)+2*(x^3)+5.1*(x^5)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
mov ecx,5 ; fifth order polynomial
lea esi,fx ; point to f(x) coefficients (float4 values)
call fprimef8 ; calculate derivative of the function
FVALUE: calculate the future value of a given present value and
equal periodic payments
Source: fvalue.asm (xtothey.asm)
80x87 required
Call with: DS:[ESI] pointing to an ASM32 Financial data structure
(see FINDATA.INC). The pv, n, i, and pmt data must be
current before calling fvalue.
Returns: updates fv in FINDATA data structure; future value also
returned in ST(0)
Uses: 80x87 stack
include model.inc
include findata.inc
extrn fvalue:near
include dataseg.inc
case1 findata <12,.0525,100.0,10.0,> ; n = 12 periods
; i = .0525 (5.25% interest rate per n)
; present value = 100
; 10 = payment per n period
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea esi,case1
call fvalue ; calculate future value; update
; fv in case1
ICOSINE: return integer cosine*64k from integer angle
ISINE: return integer sine*64k from integer angle
Source: itrig.asm
Call with: EAX = angle in degrees
Returns: (ICosine) EAX = cosine*64k of angle
(ISine) EAX = sine*64k of angle
Given an integer angle in degrees, these subroutines return a
biased sine or cosine. The 64k bias results in sine or cosine
values returned in the range of 0 to 10000h. After multiplying
these number by an integer, you should remove the bias by
shifting the result right 16 bits. See example.
Uses: EAX, flags
; this code fragment is from ASM32's POLAR2RECT subroutine
extrn isine, icosine
include codeseg.inc
movsx eax,word ptr 6[ebx] ; angle may be positive or negative
call icosine ; get biased cosine
mov edi,eax ; save cosine*64k
movsx eax,word ptr 4[ebx] ; magnitude
imul edi ; EAX = x-pixels*64k
movsx edx,word ptr [ebx] ; x-origin
sar eax,16 ; divide by 64k
mov x0,dx
add eax,edx ; plus origin
mov x1,ax
LINEFITF4: fit a line equation to a series of float4 data points
LINEFITF8: fit a line equation to a series of float8 data points
LINEFITI2: fit a line equation to a series of i2 data points
LINEFITI4: fit a line equation to a series of i4 data points
Source: linefit.asm
80x87 required
LineFit subroutines use the Least Squares method to calculate
the a and b coefficients of the equation
y = a + bx
which best fits the given data points. See also CubeFit
and QuadFit.
The data series at DS:[EBX] consists of n sets of x and y
Call with: EBX pointing to data series
ECX = number of (x,y) points
Returns: ST(0) = a
ST(1) = b
ST(2) = Σx
ST(3) = Σxx
ST(4) = Σy
ST(5) = Σxy
Uses: entire 80x87 stack
extrn linefiti2:near
include dataseg.inc
points dw 1,5 ; first (x,y) coordinate pair
dw 3,12 ; x1 = 3, y1 = 12
dw 7,24 ; x2 = 7, y2 = 24
dw 5,17 ; x3 = 5, y3 = 17
dw 10,33 ; x4 = 10, y4 = 33
n equ ($-points) shr 2 ; number of coordinate pairs (5 in this case)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea ebx,points ; point to data series
mov ecx,n ; 5 data points
call linefiti2 ; returns a in ST(0) and b in ST(1)
NORMF4, NORMF4b: normalize a float4 array
Source: normf4.asm (maxf4.asm)
NORMF8, NORMF8b: normalize a float8 array
Source: normf8.asm (maxf8.asm)
80x87 required
Call with: EDI pointing to the numeric array
ECX = number of values in the array
ST(0) = number to normalize the array to
normf?b: EBX = bytes between data points
normf4 assumes EBX = 4, norm f8 assumes EBX = 8
NormF4 and NormF8 assume that the maximum value of the data
is greater than zero. I have used these subroutines
to scale data upward or downward, for example, to convert
from raw data to percent-of-maximum data.
Returns: ST(0) = scaling factor
Uses: ST(0); ST(7) and ST(6) are pushed off the coprocessor stack
include model.inc
extrn normf4:near
include dataseg.inc
hundred dw 100 ; convert all data to percent-of-peak
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
esi edi,f4fdata ; EDI points to the data
mov ecx,1488 ; half-hourly data for a month
fild hundred ; make the maximum value 100
call normf4 ; normalize the data
NPVALUE: calculate net present value of an uneven cash flow
Source: npvalue.asm (xtothey.asm)
80x87 required
Call with: ESI pointing to ASM32's FINDATA data structure
EBX pointing to float4 cash flow data
n, i, and fv in FINDATA must be current before calling NPValue,
and there must be at least n cash flows
Returns: updates pv in FINDATA
ST(0) = present value
Uses: 80x87 stack
include model.inc
include findata.inc
extrn npvalue:near
include dataseg.inc
case1 findata <30,.105,,,0.0> ; 30 payments, 10.5% interest, fv = 0.0
payments dd 10 dup (80.0) ; need 30 payments for this example
dd 10 dup (95.0)
dd 10 dup (103.0)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea ebx,payments
lea esi,case1
call npvalue
PAYMENT: calculates periodic payment
Source: payment.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ESI pointing to ASM32's FINDATA data structure
n, i, fv and pv in FINDATA must be current before calling
Payment. Payment replaces pmt in the data structure.
Returns: replaces pmt in data structure
Uses: 80x87 stack; 80x86 registers and flags are unchanged
include model.inc
include findata.inc
extrn payment:near
include dataseg.inc
; 30 payments, 10.5% interest, pv = 10,000, fv = 0.0
case1 findata <30,.105,10000.0,,0.0>
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea esi,case1
call payment
POLAR2RECT: convert polar coordiantes to rectangular
Source: pol2rect.asm (itrig.asm)
Call with: EBX pointing to polar vector data (see Example)
Returns: EBX pointing to rectangular coordinates in Polar2Rect's
data area. Vector data is not disturbed. Each call to
Polar2Rect will overwrite the results of the previous call.
Note that if you want to use this subroutine to draw a
vector on a graphics screen, the vector's direction and
magnitude may not appear correct unless the graphics mode
has an x/y pixel ratio of 1:1. Graphics screen dimensions
resulting in this pixel ratio are:
320x240 VGA13x(1)
640x480 VGA 11h, 12h, SVGA256(1), SVGA32k(1)
800x600 VESA 6Ah, SVGA16(0), SVGA256(2), SVGA32k(2)
1024x768 SVGA16(1), SVGA256(3), SVGA32k(3)
Also, because the screen's coordinate origin is at the top of
the screen, the y1 coordinate must be adjusted in order to
display the vector in a standard orientation. See Example 1.
Another way to display a vector in the proper orientation is
to set up a user-defined coordinate system with ASM32's UCINIT
and to convert the vector's rectangular coordinates to system
coordinates with UC2SYS. See GRAPHICS.DOC and Example 2.
Uses: EBX, flags
Examples on next page
(Polar2Rect, continued)
Example 1:
extrn polar2rect:near, drawline:near
include dataseg.inc
polar dw 50,50 ; (x,y) origin -32768 to +32767
dw 300 ; magnitude -32768 to +32767
dw 207 ; direction -+degrees
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
; code fragment assumes 1:1 pixel ratio
lea ebx,polar
call polar2rect ; returns EBX -> rectangular data
movsx eax,word ptr 6[ebx] ; y1
movsx edx,word ptr 2[ebx] ; y0
sub eax,edx ; delta y
add eax,eax ; double it
sub 6[ebx],ax ; adjust y1
call drawline ; on screen
Example 2:
extrn polar2rect:near, drawline:near
extrn ucinit:near, uc2sys:near
include dataseg.inc
; user coordinates with 1:1 pixel ratio
user dw 0,0
dw 800,600
polar dw 50,50 ; (x,y) origin
dw 300 ; magnitude
dw 207 ; direction
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
; set up user coordinates with 1:1 pixel ratio
lea ebx,user ; point to user coordinates
call uc2sys
lea ebx,polar
call polar2rect ; returns EBX -> rectangular data
call uc2sys ; convert to screen coordinates
call drawline ; on screen
PSOLVEF4: solve a polynomial equation for y, given x; float4 equation
Source: psolvef4.asm
PSOLVEF8: solve a polynomial equation for y, given x; float8 equation
Source: psolvef8.asm
PSOLVEI2: solve a polynomial equation for y, given x; 2-byte integer
equation coefficients
Source: psolvei2.asm
PSOLVEI4: solve a polynomial equation for y, given x; 4-byte integer
equation coefficients
Source: psolvei4.asm
80x87 required for all psolve subroutines
Call with: ESI pointing to equation coefficients
ECX = n (order of the equation, i. e., a quadratic equation
is a second-order polynomial, so ECX = 2)
ST(0) = x value
Returns: ST(0) = y value
Uses: most coprocessor registers
include model.inc
; I want to calculate y for the equation
; y = 12 + 2x + 17(x**2) + 4(x**3)
extrn psolvei2:near
include dataseg.inc
fx dw 12,2,17,4
n equ 3 ; third-order equation
x dd 0.85
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea esi,fx ; DS:[ESI] points to equation coefficients
mov ecx,n ; a third-order polynomial
fld x ; find y given x
call psolvei2 ; returns y in register ST(0)
PVALUE: calculate the present value of an even cash flow
Source: pvalue.asm (xtothey.asm)
80x87 required
Call with: [ESI] pointing to FINDATA data structure
n, i, pmt and fv must be updated before calling
Returns: updates pv in FINDATA data structure
ST(0) = present value
Uses: 80x87 stack
include model.inc
include findata.inc
extrn pvalue:near
include dataseg.inc
case1 findata <12,.0525,,10.0,0.0> ; n = 12 periods
; i = .0525 (5.25% interest rate per n)
; present value unknown
; payment per n period = 10
; future value = 0
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea esi,case1
call pvalue ; calculate present value; update
; pv in case1
QUADFITF4: fit a quadratic equation to a series of float4 data points
QUADFITF8: fit a quadratic equation to a series of float8 data points
QUADFITI2: fit a quadratic equation to a series of i2 data points
QUADFITI4: fit a quadratic equation to a series of i4 data points
Source: quadfit.asm
80x87 required
QuadFit subroutines use the Least Squares method to calculate
the a, b and c coefficients of the equation
y = a + bx + c(x^2)
which best fits the given data points. See also CubeFit and
The data series at DS:[EBX] consists of n sets of x and y
Call with: EBX pointing to data series
ECX = number of (x,y) points
Returns: ST(0) = a
ST(1) = b
ST(2) = c
Uses: entire 80x87 stack
include model.inc
extrn quadfiti2:near
include dataseg.inc
points dw 1,6 ; first (x,y) coordinate pair: x0 = 1, y0 = 6
dw 2,17 ; x1 = 2, y1 = 17
dw 5,86 ; x2 = 5, y2 = 86
dw 4,57 ; x3 = 4, y3 = 57
dw 3,34 ; x4 = 3, y4 = 34
n equ ($-points) shr 2 ; number of coordinate pairs (5 in this case)
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
lea ebx,points ; point to data series
mov ecx,n ; 5 data points
call quadfiti2 ; returns a in ST(0), b in ST(1) and c in ST(2)
RAD2DEG: convert radians to degrees of arc
Source: rad2deg.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ST(0) = radians
Returns: ST(0) = degrees of arc
Uses: 80x87 stack - ST(6) and ST(7) are lost
include codeseg.inc
extrn rad2deg:near
include dataseg.inc
rad dd 3.14159 ; dumb example - everyone knows this is 180 degrees
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
fld rad ; load radians into ST(0)
call rad2deg ; it comes back with ST(0) = degrees
RECT2POLAR: convert rectangualr coordinates to polar coordinates
Source: rect2pol.asm (itrig.asm)
80x87 required
Call with: EBX pointing to rectangular coordinate data (see Example)
Returns: EBX pointing to polar coordinates in Rect2Polar's data area.
Input coordinate data is not disturbed. Each call to
Rect2Polar will overwrite the results of the previous call.
Uses: EBX
SAMP2POP: convert sample standard deviation to population standard
deviation; used with StdDev subroutines.
Source: samp2pop.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ST(0) = sample standard deviation
ECX = n (number of data points)
Returns: ST(0) = population standard deviation
Uses: ST(0); ST(7), ST(6) and ST(5) are lost
Example: see StdDev series subroutines
STDDEVF4: calculate standard deviation of a float4 data series
Source: stddevf4.asm ($stddev.asm)
STDDEVF8: calculate standard deviation of a float8 data series
Source: stddevf8.asm ($stddev.asm)
STDDEVI2: calculate standard deviation of an i2 data series
Source: stddevi2.asm ($stddev.asm)
STDDEVI4: calculate standard deviation of an i4 data series
Source: stddevi4.asm ($stddev.asm)
80x87 required
Call with: EDI pointing to data series
ECX = number of values
Note that integer values are signed integers
Returns: if CF = 1, was called with ECX = 0
if CF = 0, ST(0) = standard deviation
The value returned by StdDev subroutines is the sample standard
deviation S; population standard deviation SP is calculated from
sample standard deviation with this formula:
SP = S * SQRT((n - 1) / n)
Uses: CF, coprocessor registers
include model.inc
extrn stddevf4:near ; my data series is in float4 format
extrn samp2pop:near ; I want the result as a
; population standard deviation
include codeseg.inc
; the program has established a series of float4 values, and I need the
; standard deviation of the series
lea edi,series_of_numbers
push ds
pop es
mov ecx,1600 ; a whole bunch of data
call stddevf4 ; ST(0) = sample standard deviation
; the standard deviation returned by StdDev subroutines is the sample
; standard deviation. Use samp2pop to convert to population standard
; deviation
call samp2pop ; ST(0) = population standard deviation
XTOTHEY: calculates x to the y power (x^y)
Source: xtothey.asm
80x87 required
Call with: ST(0) = x, ST(1) = y
Returns: ST(0) = x^y, coprocessor stack popped
Uses: coprocessor stack
include model.inc
extrn xtothey:near
include dataseg.inc
x dd 17.4
y dd .3
@curseg ends
include codeseg.inc
fld y ; ST(0) = exponent
fld x ; ST(0) = x, ST(1) = exponent
call xtothey ; calculate x**y